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Chef´s specialties

OC 150 g "Dragon breath" - 1, 3, 7, 9
(tenderloin with sauce, chilli, ham, onion, soya sauce, 2 pieces of toast, cheese, vegetable garnish)





OC 300 g "Gourmet platter" - 1, 3, 7, 9, 10
(natural pork, chicken and beef meat, mustard, soya sauce, 2 eggs with ham, pea rice, chips, 2x vegetable garnish)






OC 130 g "Jánošík´s ducat" - 1, 3, 7
(pork steak in batter [contains milk, flour, egg] filled with sheep cheese, onion and ham, cooked potatoes, vegetable garnish)






OC 130 g "Emperor´s steak" - 1, 3, 7
(chicken steak in batter [contains milk, flour, egg] filled with ham, Niva cheese and brocoli, fried potatoes, vegetable garnish)






OC 130 g "Harmony" - 7, 9
(natural chicken breasts, Niva cheese sauce, sour cream, stewed vegetables, 1/2 rice)




OC 130 g "Tranquility" - 7, 9

(sauté from chicken meat on sour cream, 1/2 rice, 1/2 chips, vegetable garnish)




